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Which of these 17 managerial mistakes are you making?

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Managers mess up. How? Let us count the ways.
At the top of the organization, chief executive officers put their company at risk through five blind spots, according to Susan Lucia Annunzio, who heads the Center for High Performance. If you’re not a CEO, still worry because the same mistakes occur throughout managerial ranks, with potentially destructive consequences for your career if not the company:
Consultant David Burkus offers these four common mistakes managers make in the Human-Centred Change and Innovation blog:
Managers deal with people. Their day consists of constant, even dizzying, interaction. Kate Nasser, who bills herself as The People Skills Coach, lists these eight common blunders she sees:
That’s 17. There are more, of course, but that’s enough for now. Which apply to you? Which ones are most dangerous or most common or most embarrassing? Which one will you work on first?
Harvey Schachter is a Kingston-based writer specializing in management issues. He, along with Sheelagh Whittaker, former CEO of both EDS Canada and Cancom, are the authors of When Harvey Didn’t Meet Sheelagh: Emails on Leadership.
